Lago Lodge, Uferweg 5, 2560 Nidau, , Tel.+41 32 331 37 32
Coordinates: N 047° 07.736' E 007° 14.255. Use google maps and type "Flösserweg Nidau".
Fancy a barbecue during your stay at Lago?
We have 2 "Raumformer" kettle grills that can be rented. Up to 10 people can barbecue in front of the lodge.
Included in the price are the barbecue, wood, approx. 250g of meat per person with barbecue sauce (organic pork steak, homemade organic sausage) or grilled cheese for vegetarians, bread and mustard.
As we only have 2 grills, the rental must be reconfirmed by us.
For the time being, the grills can only be used by guests staying at the lodge. Booking is done via our own room booking page.